EMC is often referred to as ‘black magic’ when it is really nothing of the sort. Safety is also often an unknown quantity for many designers. Neither of them are taught in college / university / further education – in fact new graduates might not even know that these issues exist!
But achieving Safety, and especially EMC, can be complex. Leaving either of them to designer’s skills and relying on testing and iteration to achieve compliance with regulations is guaranteed to be inefficient in both time and money, and uncompetitive.
For the best cost-effectiveness and competitiveness, procedures are needed for EMC and for Safety. These procedures will involve most of the departments in an organisation, although Engineering will do most of the work.
We developed these procedures during twenty years of advanced electronic product / system design / management, and fifteen years of EMI / RFI / EMC consultancy – and they are constantly evolving as technology advances and regulations change, and improving as we continue to learn.
We speak plain English engineering language, and can help create procedures for…
- Research
- Marketing
- Design
- Development
- Testing and verification
(we can also help with setting-up in-house test facilities for EMC and Safety)
- Purchasing
- Manufacturing
(to help ensure continuing legal compliance and low warranty costs)
- Sales
- Maintenance, repair, refurbishment, modification, upgrades
…for the following types of equipment…
- Components and modules
- Products, appliances, instruments, etc.,
- Vehicles (land, rail, sea, air, space, etc.)
- Custom designed equipment, machinery, plant
- Systems
- Installations (buildings, campuses, factories, theatres, hospitals: any structure or site)
- Adding wireless datacommunications to any of the above
…of any type, any size, for any application (including safety-critical, nuclear and military).
Our aim has always been to transfer our knowledge and experience to your own personnel, to get them up their learning curve quickly with the lowest costs, so they don’t repeat the costly mistakes that so many people have already made.
We recognise that design consultants like ourselves are not inexpensive to employ, so we aim to minimise what you spend on us. This means we are always trying to make ourselves redundant, so you need us less and less as your personnel’s expertise increases.
How we work with customers
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