Welcome to Cherry Clough Consultants
Independent consultants who help designers, manufacturers, system integrators, installers, users deal quickly and cost-effectively with real-life interference (EMI), or compliance with EMC and Safety Directives and similar regulations worldwide. All applications, all industries, all sizes/scales.
Our SI, PI & EMC design techniques have been very well-proven for 26+ years to significantly reduce design and development time and cost; overall cost of manufacture; warranty costs, and financial risks, at all frequencies up to 24GHz (so far!) – whatever the relevant EMC standards: from the 'generics' up to the toughest, such as DEF STAN 59-411 Land Class A.
And our well-proven guidelines for reducing the Functional Safety (and other) risks that could be caused by EMI have now been standardised by both the IET and the IEEE.
...News update 11 February 2025...
EMC courses in FINLAND, 9-11 April 2025
On practical, quick, and cost-effective EMC design techniques
taught by Cherry Clough's Chris Nicholas
9 April: Essential EMC techniques for PCBs
10 April: Advanced EMC techniques for PCBs
11 April: EMC Techniques for Systems and Installations
All these design techniques have been well-proven for more 30 years
to significantly reduce time and cost overall.
NO MATHS – just plain ‘Engineering English’ language!
Held at: Scandic Aviacongress, Robert Huberin tie 4, 01511 VANTAA, FINLAND
For details, or to register:
Free EMC magazine: EMC AWARE
This new free on-line magazine makes information on EMC, its technologies and test equipment; events, job adverts, etc. available to all.
Banana Skins continues, within its pages, now up to number 970!
The archive of the popular EMC Journal has been rehosted
All issues of the EMC Journal, and much else associated with that very successful UK EMC magazine, are archived, but problems with hosting have made them unavailable for a year or so. But now they are back on-line! Visit: www.theemcjournal.com or www.compliance-club.com
Keith Armstrong's training coursenotes available for on-line purchase
Keeping up-to-date with these coursenotes is better than buying textbooks, because they rapidly become outdated.
Visit emcstandards.co.uk
The new site for easy and free access to the huge range of Keith Armstrong's published material, and a lot of additional stuff such as EMI Stories, EMC Design Checklists, Webinars, and more.
Register as a Member for even more premium material.
Sign up to the Twitter feed to be kept up-to-date with developments.
For what we used to call "EMC for Functional Safety":
The current state of the art is: IEEE Std 1848-2020
"Techniques & Measures to Manage Functional Safety and Other Risks
With Regard to Electromagnetic Disturbances"
published as a full IEEE Standard on 27 April 2021.
Purchase from: https://standards.ieee.org/standard/1848-2020.html
Keith Armstrong's textbooks
From October 2018 this is the new site for ordering my books, and some others.
My books are colour-printed 'on-demand' and are not available new from Amazon or other resellers, who might 'mistakenly' list them as being out of print.